Help Esteem Counseling Services

1+ 877-327-6855

Help Esteem Counseling Services

1+ 877-327-6855

Help Esteem Counseling Services

1+ 877-327-6855

Privacy & Policy

Privacy Policy

We may need to disclose your personal information to comply with the law. This includes responding to court orders, law enforcement requests, or legal processes related to national security. We may also share your information to enforce our rights and contracts, defend against legal claims, or prevent illegal activities. This disclosure of information is done to protect people's rights, property, and safety, and to comply with the law.

Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality is a cornerstone of the client-psychotherapist relationship. A successful therapeutic process depends upon establishing a high level of trust, particularly as discussions delve into sensitive matters typically confined to the therapeutic setting. It is customary for therapists to furnish clients with a documented confidentiality agreement that ensures the privacy of all session discussions. Consequently, clients can anticipate that their disclosures will not be revealed to any external parties without explicit consent, a principle commonly referred to as "Informed Consent."

However, it is imperative to acknowledge that legal and ethical obligations may mandate breaching confidentiality in specific scenarios. Therapists are bound by state law and professional ethics to uphold client confidentiality, except in cases where there are reasonable grounds to suspect the occurrence of abuse or neglect involving children, adults, or elders. In such instances, therapists are mandated to report such information to the pertinent authorities, including child protective services and law enforcement, based on information provided by the client or collateral sources. Furthermore, suppose there is reason to believe that a client poses a severe threat of self-harm or harm to others. In such instances, it is imperative for the therapist to take decisive measures in accordance with professional standards to safeguard the well-being of the client and any other individuals involved.

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